Greetings: I posted an inquiry about how GIS users deal with time-series data and cross-tabulation reports. I got hardly any responses, leaving me to wonder if we are an eccentric outfit here at HydroQual. I will restate the problem: We deal with samling points, fixed locations, at which water quality samples are taken over long periods of time, for a variety of parameters (dissolved oxygen, BOD, TOC, etc.). These data are generally tabulated as follows: Station1 Date1 Parameter1 Value Station1 Date1 Parameter2 Value Station... ... ... ... In order to make thematic maps, we need to get the data into ArcView or ArcMap in this form: Station1 AvgParameter1 AvgParameter2 AvgParameter3... Station2 ... ... That is, a unique record for each station, with the columns having the average (or the max, min, etc.) value for each parameter over a selected time period. This is easily done in MS-Access with the crosstabulation report. Can't do it in ArcView unless you write a tedious program. The summation function in AV3x will do it for one parameter at a time. (You could do it successively, join the tables, then make the map - a pain.) Farley Klotz wrote that his group does the cross tab in Access and exports the result to a *.dbf file, which is then imported to AV and mapped. I prefer to do it dynamically, but I find that the ODBC link to Access cross-tab queries is slow. It is especially slow in ArcMap. Cheers, Gary